Best Time to Post on LinkedIn

Utsav Patel

Updated: Sep 13, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Optimal LinkedIn Posting Times for 2024

According to a recent study by Hootsuite, posts published on LinkedIn between 9 AM and 12 PM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays receive the highest engagement rates.

This statistic reminds me of my early days on LinkedIn when I would post at random times, often wondering why my content wasn't getting the traction I hoped for. It wasn't until I started paying attention to posting times that I saw a significant improvement in my engagement rates.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the intricacies of LinkedIn posting times to help you maximize your presence on LinkedIn in 2024.


  • The best times to post on LinkedIn are generally weekdays between 9 AM and 12 PM, with Tuesday and Wednesday being the most effective days

  • Industry-specific timing can vary, so it's crucial to understand your target audience's behavior

  • Factors like geographic location, content type, and audience demographics influence optimal posting times

  • Utilize LinkedIn Analytics and third-party tools to determine your best posting schedule

  • Maintain a consistent posting frequency while prioritizing content quality

  • Adapt your strategy to seasonal variations and LinkedIn algorithm changes

  • Leverage LinkedIn features like Live and Events for enhanced engagement

  • Regularly measure and iterate your posting strategy for continuous improvement

Understanding the Importance of Timing on LinkedIn

Timing is a critical factor in the success of your LinkedIn posts. The platform's algorithm and user behavior patterns play significant roles in determining when your content is most likely to be seen and engaged with.

By understanding these elements, you can strategically time your posts for maximum visibility and interaction.

LinkedIn's algorithm considers recency as a factor in content distribution. User engagement within the first hour of posting can significantly boost visibility.

The professional nature of LinkedIn influences when users are most active on the platform.

The LinkedIn Algorithm and Post Visibility

LinkedIn's algorithm is designed to prioritize content that is likely to generate engagement. The timing of your post is one of the factors that influence its initial visibility, which can then lead to broader reach if the content performs well.

The algorithm assesses initial engagement to determine further distribution. Posts that receive quick engagement are more likely to appear in users' feeds. LinkedIn's "dwell time" metric measures how long users spend viewing a post.

Immediate Engagement and Its Impact

The first hour after posting is crucial for your content's performance on LinkedIn. Posts that receive likes, comments, and shares shortly after publication are more likely to be shown to a wider audience.

Early engagement signals to the algorithm that the content is valuable. Responses within the first hour can trigger broader distribution. Engaging with comments quickly can help maintain momentum.

According to Buffer, the best time to post on LinkedIn for high engagement is generally between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. This statistic underscores the importance of posting during business hours when professionals are most likely to be active on the platform.

The "Suggested Posts" Feature

LinkedIn's "suggested posts" feature extends the lifespan of content beyond the initial publication window.

Understanding how this feature works can help you maximize the long-term visibility of your posts. Suggested posts appear based on user interests and engagement history.

High-quality content can continue to gain traction days or weeks after posting. The algorithm may resurface older posts if they align with current trends or discussions.

User Behavior Patterns on LinkedIn

LinkedIn users typically exhibit different behavior patterns compared to other social media platforms. These patterns are influenced by the professional nature of the network and the typical workday schedule of its users.

LinkedIn usage often aligns with traditional work hours. Users tend to be more active during weekdays than weekends. Engagement patterns may vary based on industry and job function.

Professional Nature of the Platform

LinkedIn's focus on professional networking and career development shapes how and when users interact with content on the platform. Understanding this professional context is key to timing your posts effectively.

Users often check LinkedIn during work breaks or commuting times. Content consumption may be more focused and intentional compared to casual social media. Professional events and industry news can influence engagement patterns.

Work Hours and LinkedIn Usage

The correlation between traditional work hours and LinkedIn activity is strong. Most users tend to engage with the platform during their workday, with specific peak times emerging around the start of the day, lunch breaks, and the end of the workday.

Morning hours (9-11 AM) often see high engagement as users start their workday. Lunchtime (12-1 PM) provides a window of opportunity for content consumption. Late afternoon (4-6 PM) can be effective as users wind down their workday.

General Best Times to Post on LinkedIn

While individual results may vary, research has identified general trends in LinkedIn engagement that can guide your posting strategy. These insights provide a starting point for optimizing your content schedule.

Weekdays typically outperform weekends for LinkedIn engagement. Mid-week days (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) often see the highest activity. Early morning and lunchtime posts tend to perform well across industries.

Weekday vs. Weekend Posting

The professional focus of LinkedIn means that weekday posts generally receive more engagement than those published on weekends.

However, this doesn't mean weekend posting is always ineffective; it depends on your specific audience and content type. Weekday posts align with typical work schedules, increasing visibility.

Weekend posts may perform well for certain industries or content types. Consider your audience's work-life balance when planning weekend content.

Peak Engagement Hours During Workdays

During workdays, certain hours tend to see higher engagement rates on LinkedIn. Understanding these peak times can help you schedule your posts for maximum impact.

Early morning (7-9 AM) can capture users checking LinkedIn before work. Mid-morning (10-11 AM) often sees high engagement as users settle into their workday. Late afternoon (3-5 PM) can be effective as users look for a mental break.

Sprout Social's analysis found that Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. are generally the best times to post on LinkedIn. This data highlights the importance of mid-week, daytime posting for optimal engagement.

Best Days of the Week for LinkedIn Posts

While engagement can occur on any day, certain days of the week consistently outperform others on LinkedIn. Understanding these patterns can help you plan your content calendar more effectively.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday typically see the highest engagement rates. Monday and Friday can still be effective, especially for certain industries. Weekend posting may work for specific audience segments or content types.

Mid-Week Advantage

The middle of the work week often provides the best opportunity for engagement on LinkedIn. Users are typically settled into their work routines and more likely to engage with professional content.

Wednesday often emerges as the top-performing day across various studies. Tuesday and Thursday closely follow in terms of engagement potential. Mid-week posts can capitalize on users' professional mindset.

Specific Time Slots for Optimal Engagement

Within the broader patterns of daily and weekly engagement, certain time slots stand out as particularly effective for LinkedIn posting. These windows of opportunity align with typical work schedules and user behavior.

Multiple engagement peaks occur throughout the workday. Timing can vary slightly based on your audience's time zone and work habits. Experiment with different time slots to find what works best for your content.

Morning Posts (9-11 AM)

Early morning posts can capture the attention of professionals as they start their workday. This time slot often sees high engagement as users check their LinkedIn feeds before diving into their daily tasks.

Morning posts can set the tone for professional discussions throughout the day. Users may be more receptive to new information and ideas in the morning. Consider time zone differences when posting for a global audience.

Lunchtime Engagement (12-1 PM)

The lunch hour provides a natural break in the workday when many professionals check their LinkedIn feeds. This time slot can be effective for sharing content that doesn't require deep concentration.

Lunchtime posts can capture users looking for a mental break. Short-form content or quick updates may perform well during this time. Consider the varying lunch schedules across different industries.

End-of-Workday Window (4-6 PM)

As the workday winds down, many professionals turn to LinkedIn for a final check before leaving the office. This time slot can be effective for sharing content that summarizes the day's events or provides insights for the next day.

End-of-day posts can capture users reflecting on their workday. Content shared during this time may be viewed during evening commutes. Consider posting slightly earlier for audiences in earlier time zones.

Industry-Specific Best Posting Times

While general best practices provide a good starting point, optimal posting times can vary significantly across different industries.

Understanding the unique rhythms and behaviors of your specific sector can help you fine-tune your LinkedIn strategy.

Industry-specific work schedules influence LinkedIn usage patterns. Professional events and cycles within each sector can affect engagement.

Target audience demographics within industries play a role in determining best posting times.

Healthcare and Hospitals

The healthcare industry operates on a unique schedule, often with long and irregular hours. This can impact when healthcare professionals are most likely to engage with LinkedIn content.

Early morning (6-8 AM) and late evening (8-10 PM) can be effective for reaching shift workers. Weekends may see higher engagement due to more flexible schedules.

Content related to medical advancements or industry news may perform well during lunch breaks.

Restaurants and Hospitality

The hospitality industry often operates outside of traditional 9-5 hours, which can affect when professionals in this field are most active on LinkedIn.

Late morning (10 AM-12 PM) can be effective for reaching staff before busy lunch periods. Early afternoon (2-4 PM) may capture attention during post-lunch lulls.

Consider posting on Mondays or Tuesdays when planning for the week ahead often occurs.

Education and Schools

The education sector follows a unique calendar with distinct busy and quiet periods. Understanding these cycles is crucial for effective LinkedIn engagement. Early morning (7-9 AM) can reach educators before classes begin.

Late afternoon (3-5 PM) may be effective after the school day ends. Consider the academic calendar when planning content, with higher engagement during term times.

Travel and Tourism

The travel industry experiences seasonal fluctuations and operates across multiple time zones, which can impact LinkedIn engagement patterns.

  • Mid-morning (10 AM-12 PM) can capture professionals planning trips during work hours.

  • Evening posts (7-9 PM) may reach leisure travelers researching destinations.

  • Weekends can be effective for travel-related content as users plan future trips.

Media and Entertainment

The media and entertainment industry often operates outside traditional work hours, with engagement patterns that reflect the dynamic nature of the field.

Late morning (11 AM-1 PM) can be effective for industry news and updates. Evening posts (8-10 PM) may capture attention as professionals wind down.

Consider posting around major industry events or award shows for increased engagement.

Factors Influencing Your Ideal Posting Time

While general guidelines are helpful, your ideal posting time on LinkedIn depends on various factors specific to your audience and content.

Understanding these influences can help you refine your posting strategy for maximum impact. Audience demographics play a significant role in determining optimal posting times.

Geographic distribution of your followers affects when they're most likely to be active. The nature and purpose of your content can influence when it's best received.

Geographic Location and Time Zones

If your LinkedIn audience spans multiple time zones, you'll need to consider how this affects your posting strategy.

The goal is to reach the majority of your audience when they're most likely to be active on the platform.

Use LinkedIn Analytics to identify the primary locations of your followers. Consider scheduling multiple posts to cover different time zones.

Experiment with posting times to find the best compromise for a global audience.

Global Audience Considerations

For businesses with an international follower base, crafting a posting strategy that accommodates various time zones can be challenging but rewarding.

It's about finding the right balance to maximize your reach across different regions. Identify peak business hours across your main target regions.

Consider creating region-specific content for better engagement. Use scheduling tools to automate posts for different time zones.

Target Audience Demographics

The demographics of your target audience, including age, profession, and industry, can significantly influence their LinkedIn usage patterns.

Understanding these factors is crucial for optimizing your posting schedule. Different age groups may have varying preferences for LinkedIn usage times.

Professional roles can impact when users are most likely to engage with content. Industry-specific work patterns may affect optimal posting times.

Content Type and Purpose

The nature of your content and its intended purpose can play a role in determining the best time to post.

Different types of content may perform better at various times of the day or week. Informational content might perform better during work hours when users are in a professional mindset.

Inspirational or thought leadership posts may see higher engagement during early morning or evening hours. Job postings might get more traction early in the week when professionals are more likely to consider career moves.

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Best Practices for LinkedIn Posting Frequency

In addition to timing, the frequency of your LinkedIn posts plays a crucial role in maintaining engagement and growing your presence on the platform. Finding the right balance is key to success.

Consistency is often more important than high frequency. Over-posting can lead to audience fatigue and decreased engagement. The ideal posting frequency may vary based on your industry and audience preferences.

Recommended Posting Frequency

While there's no one-size-fits-all approach, LinkedIn has provided general guidelines for posting frequency that can serve as a starting point for your strategy.

LinkedIn recommends posting 1-2 times per business day. Aim for a minimum of 3-4 posts per week to maintain consistent visibility. Monitor engagement rates to ensure you're not overwhelming your audience.

Metricool's data suggests that Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays are the best days to post on LinkedIn, with Saturdays and Sundays being the worst.

This statistic reinforces the importance of focusing your posting efforts on weekdays for optimal engagement.

Balancing Quantity and Quality

While maintaining a consistent posting schedule is important, it's crucial not to sacrifice content quality for the sake of frequency. Your focus should be on providing value to your audience with each post.

Prioritize high-quality, relevant content over meeting a specific post quota. Use content pillars to ensure a diverse mix of valuable posts. Monitor audience feedback and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Leveraging Automation for Optimal Posting

Automation tools can help you maintain a consistent posting schedule while ensuring your content goes out at the most optimal times. This can be particularly useful if you're managing multiple social media accounts or have a global audience.

Scheduling tools allow you to plan and queue posts in advance. Some platforms offer AI-powered timing recommendations based on your audience.

Automation can help you maintain consistency during busy periods or vacations.

Benefits of Post-Scheduling

Using scheduling tools for your LinkedIn posts can offer numerous advantages, from time savings to improved content strategy implementation.

Scheduling allows you to batch content creation, improving efficiency. You can ensure posts go out at optimal times, even when you're not available.

Consistent posting can help improve your visibility in the LinkedIn algorithm.

Popular LinkedIn Scheduling Tools

There are various tools available that can help you schedule and automate your LinkedIn posts. Each offers different features and integrations to suit various needs.

LinkedIn's native scheduling feature allows for basic post planning. Third-party tools like Hootsuite and Buffer offer more advanced scheduling options.

Some tools provide content curation features to help you find relevant posts to share.

LinkedIn recently introduced a new 'Collaborative Articles' feature, allowing users to contribute their expertise to AI-generated articles.

This new feature could impact engagement patterns and optimal posting times, as users may spend more time interacting with these collaborative pieces.

Content Type and Its Relation to Posting Time

Different types of content may perform better at various times on LinkedIn. Understanding these relationships can help you optimize your content strategy for maximum impact.

Short-form updates may perform well during busy workday hours. Long-form articles might see better engagement during off-hours or weekends.

Video content engagement patterns may differ from text-based posts.

Text Posts vs. Video Content

Text and video content often have different engagement patterns on LinkedIn. Knowing when each type performs best can help you diversify your content strategy effectively.

Short text posts may perform well during work hours when users have limited time. Video content might see higher engagement during lunch breaks or after work hours.

Consider the length of your video when deciding on posting times.

Long-form Articles and Pulse Posts

LinkedIn articles and Pulse posts typically require more time to consume, which can affect when they're best received by your audience.

Long-form content may perform better during off-hours or weekends when users have more time to read. Consider posting teasers or excerpts during work hours to drive traffic to full articles.

Use LinkedIn's "Article for Pages" feature to publish directly from your company page.

Adapting to LinkedIn Algorithm Changes

LinkedIn's algorithm evolves over time, which can impact how and when content is distributed to users. Staying informed about these changes is crucial for maintaining an effective posting strategy.

Algorithm updates can affect content visibility and engagement patterns. LinkedIn occasionally announces major changes, but many updates are more subtle.

Regularly monitoring your post performance can help you detect and adapt to algorithm shifts.

Recent Algorithm Updates

LinkedIn periodically updates its algorithm to improve user experience and content relevance. Understanding these changes can help you adjust your strategy accordingly.

Recent updates have emphasized authentic engagement and conversation. The algorithm now considers "dwell time" as a factor in content distribution. LinkedIn has been prioritizing content from individual users over company pages.

Strategies for Algorithm Adaptation

To maintain strong performance on LinkedIn, it's important to develop strategies that align with the platform's evolving algorithm.

Focus on creating content that encourages meaningful interactions. Experiment with different content formats to see what resonates with your audience.

Engage authentically with your network to boost your content's visibility.

Measuring and Iterating Your Posting Strategy

To truly optimize your LinkedIn posting strategy, it's essential to continuously measure your performance and make data-driven adjustments.

This iterative process will help you refine your approach over time. Regularly review key performance metrics to assess your strategy's effectiveness.

Use A/B testing to compare different posting times and content types. Stay flexible and be willing to adjust your strategy based on performance data.

Key Metrics to Track

Identifying and monitoring the right metrics is crucial for understanding the success of your LinkedIn posting strategy.

These metrics will guide your optimization efforts. Engagement rate (likes, comments, shares) indicates how well your content resonates.

Click-through rate (CTR) measures how effectively your posts drive traffic. Follower growth rate shows the impact of your strategy on audience building.

Regular Strategy Reviews

Conducting periodic reviews of your LinkedIn strategy allows you to identify trends, assess the impact of changes, and make informed decisions about future optimizations.

Set a regular schedule for reviewing your LinkedIn performance (e.g., monthly or quarterly). Compare your performance against industry benchmarks and your own historical data.

Use insights from these reviews to update your content calendar and posting strategy.

Leveraging Supergrow for LinkedIn Optimization

While understanding the best times to post on LinkedIn is crucial, implementing and maintaining an optimal strategy can be challenging.

This is where Supergrow's AI-powered platform can significantly enhance your LinkedIn presence. Supergrow's AI analyzes your unique audience behavior to determine optimal posting times.

The platform helps maintain consistency in your professional tone across all posts. Automated scheduling features ensure your content is published at peak engagement times.

By leveraging Supergrow's advanced features, you can streamline your LinkedIn strategy, saving time while maximizing your content's impact.

The platform's data-driven approach takes the guesswork out of timing your posts, allowing you to focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

Ready to take your LinkedIn presence to the next level? Visit Supergrow's website to learn more about how our AI-powered platform can optimize your posting strategy and boost your professional brand on LinkedIn.

As we conclude this comprehensive guide on the best times to post on LinkedIn in 2024, let's recap the key takeaways to help you refine your strategy and maximize your engagement on the platform.

  • Optimal posting times generally fall between 9 AM and 12 PM on weekdays, with Tuesday and Wednesday being particularly effective.

  • Industry-specific timing can vary significantly, so it's crucial to understand your unique audience's behavior.

  • Factors like geographic location, content type, and audience demographics all play a role in determining the best posting times for your content.

  • Utilize LinkedIn Analytics and third-party tools to gain insights into your audience's engagement patterns.

  • Maintain a consistent posting frequency while prioritizing content quality over quantity.

  • Adapt your strategy to seasonal variations and LinkedIn algorithm changes to stay relevant.

  • Leverage LinkedIn features like Live and Events to enhance engagement and reach.

  • Regularly measure and iterate your posting strategy based on performance data.

    Consider using AI-powered platforms like Supergrow to optimize your LinkedIn posting strategy and save time.

By implementing these strategies and leveraging tools like Supergrow, you can significantly enhance your LinkedIn presence, boost engagement, and achieve your professional networking goals in 2024 and beyond.

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Carousel Maker